In the intricate world of insurance, understanding the distinctions between insurance brokers and insurance agents is essential. At McLeod Law Group, we frequently encounter the legal nuances of these roles and can provide valuable insights into their unique...
Maximizing Recovery. Minimizing Risk.
Leveraging Opportunity
There are Many Avenues for Businesses to Resolve Insurance Disputes
Dealing with disputes over insurance claims can often be as stressful as the incidents prompting them. The business owners or management are likely angry with the carrier, wondering why they paid so much in premiums only to find out that the carrier is contesting...
How Delays Can Affect Businesses with Errors and Omissions Claims
Businesses in the construction sector often carry a variety of different types of insurance because of the safety-critical work that these organizations perform. General liability coverage is often not enough to offset the risks involved in erecting, expanding or...
When Might Your Business be Responsible for Customer Losses?
Running a business is an exciting endeavor, but it also comes with inherent risks. While you strive to provide a positive experience for your customers, unforeseen circumstances can arise, leading to injuries, property damage or even legal disputes. Understanding when...
Is Your Insurance Provider Complicating a Product Recall?
Businesses in a variety of different fields carry many unique types of insurance. Organizations that produce physical products for public consumption may invest in product recall insurance in addition to, among other things, basic liability coverage. Product recall...
The Importance of Arbitration Clauses in Employment Contracts
Have you ever heard of an arbitration clause? It might sound like some fancy legal jargon, but it is something important, especially in your job. Let’s break it down together. Imagine this. You just landed your dream job. You are excited, ready to work hard and make a...
Understanding Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy Denials
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (often referred to as EPLI) provides crucial protection for businesses, offering coverage against claims of workplace-related issues such as discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, and allegations of a violation of an...
When Does My Business Need Pollution Liability Protection?
Pollution liability protection is a specific type of insurance coverage that generally covers the costs that can come with claims of harm or damage to the environment. These claims are often connected to allegations of improper disposal of hazardous waste materials...
Pharmaceutical Liability and Off Label Use
Innovation can lead to great advances. In few industries do we see this more than the pharmaceutical industry. The advances that the industry has made with respect to the discovery of numerous medications to help heal and treat those who are ill or injured are...
Which type of patent insurance policy is right for my business?
The importance of innovation in business cannot be understated. Entrepreneurs must find new ways to provide services and products that meet their community’s needs. Meeting these needs will help entrepreneurs have a profitable and fulfilling business. But what does...